Ep 93 Slam The Scam Day
Mar 06, 2024
In episode 93, you will Join Camile in the world of scams and scammers on Slam the Scam Day!
You're listening to the remote work retirement show. I'm your host, Camille Attell. And this is the only show that helps semi retirees figure out the remote work options.
I believe the remote work is the new retirement plan and that many retirees have both the ability and desire to work, how they want so they can live how they want. Let's dig into today's episode....
In episode 93, Camille addresses the numerous types of scams out there, including those that sound like official government agencies or representatives. The Social Security office posts information about these scams every March 7th of every year. So, it doesn’t matter when you are listening to this podcast, the information always applies.
Camille has extensive experience teaching about scams and scammers within her on-line coaching program, Remote Work School. Unfortunately, there have been members of that community who have experienced a scam of one sort or another personally. Camille gives a glimpse at how angry this makes her.
Unfortunately, the retired and semi-retired job seeking sectors of people are particularly vulnerable to these unethical and unscrupulous individuals. And it is not always easy to distinguish the source. If your radar goes up, leave it, hang up, delete it, and then report it if possible.
Join Camille now for more information not only from the Social Security office but her own personal experience and how she deals with and has dealt with scams and scammers. This is information all of us need, regardless of age or status.
Here is the link for the Social Security Office scam information.
If you're looking to get back into the workforce, change jobs, work remotely, or learn artificial intelligence, check out my free remote work training so you can get ahead of the trends and stay ahead of the pack. Click the link in the show notes or go to www.camilleattell.com and press the free training button.
As always, thank you for tuning in to the Remote Work Retirement Show. I'm Camille Attell, your host, and I'll catch you in the next episode.
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If you want to start something new but feel a bit overwhelmed, I invite you to take my free remote work training:
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