Ep 40: Mine Your Body of Work To Find Your Unique Gifts
Feb 21, 2023Welcome to the final episode of the “How to Reinvent Yourself” series. Episode 40 is all about how to look at your "Body of Work" to find your unique gifts and turn them into short-descriptive phrases. This will help you describe yourself so that people can quickly and easily understand the essence of who you are.
The inspiration for this episode is Steve Martin, the amazing and talented comedic actor. Do you also know that he is a dedicated musician? In the audio version of this episode, I share that he plays ukulele, but I messaged up because I meant to say he plays Banjo! I could see the banjo in my head but Ukulele is what came out of my mouth. Oh well, blame the brain fog.
The point, however, is that Steve Martin has many sides to him and an entire body of work that makes up who he is. He is not defined by one thing. We also are not (or should not) be defined by one thing like our job title, career, or role in life.
You have a lifetime of experiences that you can tap into and bring into any new experience, especially a new job, career, or business.
Your body of work includes your professional, personal, and creative endeavors. But that's a lot to cover, so you need to distill it down into something someone can understand.
The goal is to share pearls of wisdom from your body of work (not tell someone how to build a clock when they ask what time it is).
So how do you do this?
Step #1 Look for personality traits that are consistent for you in most situations. Maybe you are funny, quiet, loyal, helpful, etc. Do you know what your consistent personality traits are? Write down 2-3.
Step #2 Find patterns of skills that you see throughout your life. For example, maybe you're a problem-solver, creative, hard worker, or like to put people at ease, etc. Write down a few of your top skills.
Now combine 2-3 words from steps 1 and 2 and create a short simple phrase. here are some examples:
- Creative problem-solver
- Detailed planner
- Fearless risk-taker
- Resilient go-getter
You can use these phrases on resumes, LinkedIn, conversations, etc.
If you want to go deeper into this topic be sure to visit episodes #37, 38, and 39.
Remember, you are much more than a job, title, or even a set of skills. You are a unique person with an entire life full of experiences that no one else on earth has!
If you have any questions Click here to DM on Instagram.
Looking for more inspirational ideas? Sign up for my free training:
How To Get Remote Work To Have A Flexible Lifestyle (Without Running Out of Money), https://www.camilleattell.com/remote-training
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