Ep 30: How To Create a Value Statement
Dec 06, 2022
In this spoke episode, I help you build the pillars of your house. We will create those value statements, the simplest way to say them- and remember them. If you didn't catch Episode #29, which is the first in this series, go back and watch it before starting this episode.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- That this is a good way to tie in remote work to building a life vision.
- How to write a value statement that reflects what you see or want in each pillar.
- How to write a value statement for each pillar, a value statement for each category, or one overall value statement.
Here’s what you can find in this episode:
[:35] Welcome back to this exciting new series where I want to inspire you to create a life vision. There's a foundation, pillars, and a roof, and with each of these items, we will build a house! In today's spoke episode I give you specific action items related to the wheel episode. If you haven't listened to episode #29, the wheel episode, listen to that one first because it sets the stage for this episode.
[0:55] I think this is a good way to tie in remote work to building a life vision. You need to step back and look at why you want to work remotely. Can working remotely be added as a pillar to reaching your life vision for living the life you want?
[1:20] Let's review last's week episode. We had our foundation which I divided into 3 parts. My example is Health, Wealth, and Self. From there we added, "Pillars" which then helps us reach our "Roof" which is what we want our life to be. Remember to keep it simple!
[2:00] The pillars are specific ideas/topics that fit into the foundation's category. My example from my "Self" category is a pillar of my identity as a business owner.
[2:30] Now if you did last week's exercise then you should have 3 to 5 pillars for each Foundation category. What we are going to do now in today's shorter episode is dig deeper into each section of this model.
[2:50] Today you are going to write a value statement that reflects what you see or want in each pillar. You can write a value statement for each pillar, a value statement for each category, or one overall value statement.
[3:40] Let's use my example of "Self", "Health", and "Wealth" to write value statements. Starting with "Self", and my pillar of "Caretaker". This is how I might write my value statement "I am able to take good care of my family members emotionally, financially, and physically". These will not be perfect the first time.
[4:30] You can brainstorm these value statements. Keep them short and simple. One sentence is all you really need, and you can make changes at any time you want to.
[4:50] Let's look at the foundation of "Health", and the pillar of "Mental Health". My value statement could be as simple as "I feel positive and enjoy my life". That's it!
[5:30] Next we will tackle the "Wealth" category. My pillar from that foundation domain is "Travel". Now wealth does not necessarily mean money/savings/investments. My ability to be flexible and travel more is my way to feel wealthy and abundant in my life. My value statement would look like this: "I have the means to travel where and when I want." Simple and to the point. That would make me so happy, and that would mesh with my mental health pillar also.
[6:10] Do not write it in the future tense. Write your value statements in the present tense. Simply put write it as a reflection on how this would look in your life today.
[6:44] If you don't want to write it at the pillar level you can write it at the foundation level, or even write just one that encompasses the foundation of your vision. An example of a one-liner would be: "I am a good person who has the means to take care of myself & others emotionally, and financially."
[7:40] No matter what way you choose to write your value statement(s) you have to check every statement against what you wrote for the "Roof" of your house. This is why this exercise is so important so you can see where your overall vision does not match up with your pillars.
[8:40] We are not going to go that deep this time, and will talk about how to solve the difference between real life & our vision for our life.
[8:48] All I want you to do is brainstorm some one-liners for your pillars, or your 3 sections of the foundation, or even just a one-liner. And then next week we will take these, and work them into everyday life.
[9:10] I'm excited about this series, and I hope you are too. There is no right or wrong answer to this exercise. Remember "Progress over Perfection". Have a cup of coffee, brainstorm, and I will see you next week!
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Looking for more inspirational ideas? Sign up for my free training:
How To Get Remote Work To Have A Flexible Lifestyle (Without Running Out of Money), https://www.camilleattell.com/remote-training
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