Ep 20: My Remote Work Income Streams
Oct 04, 2022
In this episode, I share my main sources of income so you can get ideas and inspiration for how remote work can work for you.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- Introducing a new Podcast weekly format.
- What do my diversified streams of income include?
- What options are available to you for alternative income.
- How to think outside the box finding alternative income streams.
Here’s what you can find in this episode:
[1:10] I share how my podcast will be restructured starting in October. The first Wednesday of each month will be the usual 30-minute podcast. I am calling this the wheel. The rest of the Wednesdays of the month will be the spokes. This is where we will dive deeper into specific topics from the main podcast. I want to provide you will all of the resources you need to live an independent life.
[3:55] I share with you a little about my background so you can see where I get my entrepreneurial spirit from. This diverse group of people helped me become the person I am today, and why I am a fan of remote work. I went from tackling a corporate job for many years, becoming a full-time RV'er, to learning and refining the best ways to work remotely.
[11:40] I went from the safe & secure 9 to 5 corporate job market, to RV'ing full-time in my mid 40's. Traditional job to an RV'ing gypsy. You can be an entrepreneur, but try to have more than one income stream.
[16:37] I am sharing my income streams. While they work for me they might not be right for you. Use my experiences as an example to build your own revenue streams.
[17:20] Let's dive into what works for me. My first one is my Remote Work School, and I am proud that I could help over 1000 people with their remote work journey.
[20:49] My second income stream is working one-on-one with a client on a variety of subjects. Sometimes it is a challenge, and even though I can charge more I still prefer working with small groups.
[22:45] My third source is contract work. Different companies hire me to do coaching or counseling for their employees. You can negotiate these types of positions to fits your schedule.
[25:02] What I love about these revenue streams is that they all give me something different. Remote Work School is a consistent source, but it does ebb and flow a bit. My one-on-one service is sporadic, but I will keep it as an income stream. The contract work is consistent hours, and pay dates. All three of these combined offer me a secure income stream.
[26:20] The best thing about having multiple income streams is that if one goes down you still have the others bringing money in. I can also revamp my other ones to bring in more income.
[27:00] I now have a real sense of security about my revenue because I am in charge of it, not someone else.
[27:59] Looking ahead to future income streams is also a good idea. I am considering having my Remote Work School go digital. Another option for me is speaker fees because I do a lot of speaking engagements. I could look into sponsorships, or even buy another website. The possibilities are endless.
[29:18] I have set myself up with diversity and flexibility so that as the economy shifts and changes I am not as affected by them as I was when I only had one revenue stream.
[29:57] That is it for the big wheel episode for the month of October. Next, we will explore how to get started with remote work or other online income streams.
[30:45] Thanks for joining me today, and I hope this will help you on your journey to remote work income streams. I hope you will join me next week. Have a great week friends!!
If you have any questions Click here to DM on Instagram.
Looking for more inspirational ideas? Sign up for my free training:
How To Get Remote Work To Have A Flexible Lifestyle (Without Running Out of Money), https://www.camilleattell.com/remote-training
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