Ep 11: Live Coaching with Paul, a Hairdresser For 38 Years, Reinventing Himself For Remote Work
May 04, 2022This episode is a special live coaching conversation that took place in Remote Work School. Paul is a member who has been a hairdresser for 38 years and is looking to reinvent himself for remote work.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- What it's really like in a Remote Work School, Coaching Circle
- How Paul feels blocked on his skill set
- How Paul explores all the skills he has developed over the years
- How to do your own skillset inventory
Here’s what you can find in this episode:
[:45] Intro to why I am sharing a live coaching conversation with a member in Remote Work School. An overview of what type of things people get coached on.
[3:00] An introduction to Paul, a member in Remote Work School who is reinventing himself after 38 years as a hairdresser. He was willing to be vulnerable and brave he was to put himself out there. If you have a strong work "identity" like Paul, you will likely relate to his situation. To dig deeper on "identity", you can go to www.camilleattell.com and click on free training.
[6:26] Paul shares his story of transitioning from closing a physical business to taking his business on the road, and his trials and tribulations during Covid. He lost 60-70% of his clientele.
[7:20] While the job market is still good, data suggest (and I predict) that a slowdown happens by end of summer. I don’t believe there will be mass layoffs, but a slowdown in job creation and pull back of benefits is likely.
[8:42] Explore some alternatives to using his current skillset in new ways. Also, what has he tried and liked or did not like. Paul shares what happened when he tried it and why he doesn't want to pursue doing hair even if it's remote.
[12:14] Start exploring Paul's skillset to determine what his top skill sare and how that list can lead to new opportunities. We do coaching live so that Paul can brainstorm the skills he used doing hair for 38 years. Paul starts to talk about his day, step-by-step so that we can find the specific skills he used on a daily basis. Camille starts listing the skills and asks others.
[11:00] There are popular digital business models right now like coaching, course, and memberships. These are leveraged products and not trading time for dollars. There are more models like client services, eCommerce, etc. There are many to choose from that fit what you need. And the risks are low.
[14:42] Deanna, another member, offers her observations on how Paul sounds like he could do life coaching.
[15:33] We did deeper into exactly how Paul structures his day and we break it down so we can see his skills every step of the way. Paul starts to get into the groove and starts thinking of more things. Due to having fewer clients now, he is looking to supplement his income.
[18:10] Paul notices that as he talks and shares he can see how he has more skills than he thinks. He also notices that to him this all feels repetitive. As we read his skills back he is surprised by how big the list is.
[19:45] We talk about how when skills come so easy, we take them for granted and think they are not valuable and no one would pay for them. Then we talk about how to take the big skills and narrow down the list to the top skills for what he likes and what job types align.
[21:00] Paul starts to see the potential for how he can find something new with the skills he already has and feels more inspired by what's possible. We also talk about how it's hard to see our own skills sometimes. Deanna offers her perspective of transitioning to reinventing herself and how she tried on different job types aligned with her skillset. Then as she did the work she finally realized that she wanted to be a genealogist. Staying open-minded helped her discover what really lit her up.
[22:00] The bottom line is that in 2022 with everything going on, you should be prepared to take advantage of any and all employment income models. Be open-minded. If you’re working in a job right now could you freelance on the side? Or have your resume ready for freelance or job opportunities. Consider a combination of these things to reduce the risk. If you left a job or lost a job tomorrow, are you in a position to get another job or start a business right away? You should be.
[23:40] Paul shares how he will remain open to exploring. We close with a short, easy activity for how you can do a skills inventory like Paul.
Here's the activity:
- Take a single sheet of paper and fold in half lengthwise
- On the left side of the paper write down all the things you do in a day. This can be work-related or not.
- Then for each tasks, you can brainstorm the skill(s) that you need related to each of those tasks.
- Send me a DM on Instagram at camille.attell and let me know how it goes!
Looking for more inspirational ideas? Sign up for my free training:
How To Get Remote Work Tp Have A Flexible Lifestyle 9Without Running Out of Money), https://www.camilleattell.com/remote-training
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